

绿色的场景 is the student organization dedicated to environmental education. Members of the student group help in educating the student population about current sustainability initiatives and aid in developing and supporting new campus initiatives. The group also organizes volunteer opportunities. 

可持续性 Committee

Established in 2007 by President Harold Wilde, the 可持续性 Committee consists of faculty, 工作人员, and students responsible for educating and encouraging the entire campus community to engage in sustainability actions and programs. For suggestions pertaining to campus sustainability initiatives or to get involved, e-mail sustainability@noctrl.edu.

Student Worker Positions

The 可持续性 Coordinator hires two students each year for student work positions. This position gives students a chance to gain hands-on sustainability career experience. Student workers help out in a wide range of tasks, from managing the North Central 可持续性 social media accounts, to helping out in the community garden. 学生 also have the opportunity to propose their own projects to make the College more sustainable. Past student worker projects have included the Conservation@Work certification, the library’s native plant garden, and North Central's Workplace Charging Challenge commitment.

Student Governing Association

SGA (Student Governing Association) has helped the College become more sustainable in many ways. SGA helps promote the College’s recycling and compost programs, and there is a permanent spot on the 可持续性 Committee for an SGA member to serve as the liaison between the Committee and the student body.


The mission of Enactus is to teach about business ethics, 创业, operating in global markets, 金融知识, and personal success skills. 学生 participate in hands on projects with real world applications for sustainable business. Enactus helps promote the idea that 可持续性 can be applied anywhere, from the garden to the boardroom.